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Grandma is a 2015 American comedy-drama film written, directed, and produced by Paul Weitz. It stars Lily Tomlin as Elle, a lesbian poet and widow whose teenage granddaughter (played by Julia Garner) visits her to ask for money for an abortion. Over the space of a day, they visit numerous people from Elle's past to call in favors in an effort to raise the money.


Weitz wrote the script with Tomlin in mind after working with her on the 2013 film Admission. After she agreed to star, they edited the script together. Most of the other cast members were actors with whom Weitz had previously collaborated. The film was shot over 19 days in Los Angeles in 2014 with a budget of less than $600,000.

The film has also been described as pro-choice because of its portrayal of abortion.[1][12][13] Weitz was influenced by the lack of mainstream films that depict abortion, saying, "there have been a lot of movies in the past which were unwilling to even use the word, despite millions of women having abortions ... So I just wanted it to be real."[14] Several critics praised the film's balanced treatment of abortion: Ty Burr of The Boston Globe wrote that it was "neither minimized nor built up into a Major Statement",[15] while the Financial Times' Danny Leigh appreciated that "the sad gravity of the premise is not underplayed".[13] The Independent critic Geoffrey McNab found it "heartening to see a film that tackles unintended pregnancy and abortion in a humorous and sensitive way".[12]

Paul Weitz conceived the idea for the story of Grandma long before he began writing the script. He never completed the story until he had met and worked with Tomlin on the 2013 film Admission, saying that "After meeting Lily, the voice and the character really clicked, I had thought about it for years, so I had a lot of it worked out in my head, and then I just went to a coffee shop and wrote it longhand."[16] He said that, as he wrote, he could hear her "performing it in [his] head".[17] After writing the script, he was afraid to present it to Tomlin in case she turned down the lead role.[5] Tomlin said that she immediately connected with the character and the story;[18] she and Weitz then spent several months editing the script together.[5] The film marked Tomlin's first leading role in 27 years, after co-starring with Bette Midler in the 1988 comedy film Big Business.[16]

The New York Times film critic A. O. Scott praised the film's pacing, dialogue, and supporting performances, describing it as "wry and insightful".[31] Scott Foundas of Variety called it "an initially breezy family comedy about mothers, daughters and abortions that slowly sneaks up on you and packs a major wallop", praising Weitz's dialogue and the "devastating" scene wherein Elle reunites with Karl.[1] Writing for New York, David Edelstein declared that "Grandma marks a new era in gay cinema" and felt that the story was "schematic but heartfelt".[32] Brian Moylan of The Guardian gave the film three out of five stars and wrote, "Possibly the greatest thing about Grandma is that it passes the Bechdel test with flying colours, better than any film I've seen recently."[33] Slant Magazine's R. Kurt Osenlund, on the other hand, felt that the plot was contrived and unfulfilling, and described the film as having "about as many ambitions as it does delusions".[34]

Vivian: Being a mother you are totally responsible for your child. You are trying to raise them the best you know how to raise them and you're young and everything that you do you know that will be picked up by your child but when you have grandchildren that duty is up to their parents so I don't feel that I have to really teach them anything. I have to continue the teaching of their parents.

Following the pilot, we further developed and finalised the script and the selection of materials that we used in the session (see Appendix). The appropriate selection of materials and the design of how information is presented to the participants is crucial, because they can have a strong influence upon the resulting discussions. The task was to balance the need to give participants enough information for them to consider the technology in a useful way, without persuading them to a predefined perspective. We selected material that was more descriptive, avoiding those that are excessively normative or judgemental. The texts were taken from documents published by the European Commission and Ministry of Defence (UK), slightly modified, e.g. to remove acronyms. The images were collected from various websites, selected to illustrate the range of devices referred to as drones. This included small handheld devices, medium sized drones with different target uses, and some larger craft, comparable in size to their manned counterparts. Some of the images implied certain applications, with one including a mounted camera, and others being deployed in military, policing and industrial contexts. In order to allow the participants the opportunity to project their own ideas upon the scenario, we avoided images that referred directly to the consequences of the use either for the operator or any third parties. The videos were taken from YouTube, again, selected for their descriptive style, avoiding material that was so emotive, normative or judgemental that it could convince the participants of one perspective. For example, we referred to military use of drones without pointing to any of the more controversial aspects of their deployment. Of course, this approach has weaknesses. In particular, it may deprive participants of strong arguments in favour or opposition to civil drone development they would matter to them if they were aware of them. However, we felt that in such an early exploratory study it was more important to allow the participants a greater role in defining the problem areas. A larger follow-up study can and should give participants access to a wider range of perspectives, allowing them to develop more fully informed positions.

The idea of civil drone development leading to increased surveillance and intrusions of privacy was often raised, meeting with substantial agreement that this would be a negative development. Nonetheless, many participants expressed a resignation or acquiescence to further intensive and systematic surveillance as a simple extension of CCTV technology.

Participants were very supportive of the use of drones in military contexts and did not raise any criticisms of the relationship between the military and civil drone sectors. The main point of concern in this regard was that terrorists could also use drones.

Concerns about function creep were often raised along with expressions of inevitability and lack of public agency in development. Participants did not feel that they had any control over how the technology would develop. They adopted a position more akin to resignation, acquiescence or submission than acceptance. This was expressed in occasional comparisons of citizens with hospital patients or prison inmates, and the capacity to adapt to new problems and nuisances. Occasionally, this inevitability of development was expressed in a more positive form, as participants referred to how they became accustomed to other technologies such as smartphones without substantial difficulties.

Introduce the next part of the session, focussing upon the relationship between civil and military drones. Tell the participants that, as well as the potential economic and functional benefits already discussed, one of the motivations for civil drone development is to support the military drone sector. Do not raise critique of this relationship, or of military use of drones, but allow them to discuss it if they wish. Present the participants with a sheet of text featuring the following texts to read.

It can be hard to find the right words to pay tribute to the woman or women who raised and cared for you. But just like they tucked you in and told you bedtime stories, you have the opportunity to tell their story. Writing an obituary is the perfect way to pay tribute to someone who always did their best for you.

Thank you for sharing this explanatory article. Hopefully the affected family are only recently split so, although a lot of alienation has been going on for over 20 years, the problem will be addressed before it can escalate. Grateful granny ? ?

While there is much information published about the psychology of false memories, there is not so much on unintentional parental alienation. I think the book Divorce Casualties by Dr. Douglas Darnell provides a decent description of severity levels of parental alienation. He notes that the mild alienator does at times present with unintentional alienation and is more amenable to education, counseling, and change. The professional literature also refers to Counter Productive Protective Parenting (CPPP) as a mild form of unintentional parental alienation in cases where substantiated parental unfitness has been documented on the rejected parent.

TR: The stories and accounts from you and many other targeted parents of adult children are tragic, particularly in your descriptions of no-win situations, and a sense of powerlessness with the status. I have shared that the interventions to address the problem with adult children are limited compared to the impact we can have with minor children. While the stories are sad and tragic, they motivate me to work zealously and diligently to educate the mental health and legal professionals on PA so we can better intervene and disrupt the PA prior to the children aging out of the family court system. I am sorry for your loss and the situation you find yourself in. I hope you can find support and counsel to take the next right step for you.

Whether you donate your birthday, host a fun event or gather pledges for a team run across Iceland, fundraisers change lives and empower families. Become a CCF ambassador in your community. You know from personal experience that others will feel great pride when they support CCF. 041b061a72


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